Publishing, Then & Now: Interview with Literary Agent, Miriam Altshuler
Tune in to hear Miriam discuss the challenges of getting an agent today as opposed to 20 years ago, give tips on the queries agents really want, and offer thoughts on the state of the industry.
My conversation with veteran agent Miriam Altshuler kicks off a video series where agents & editors discuss the state of the publishing industry, share advice on how to find success, and discuss what’s changed over the years for better and for worse.
Click below for a quick audio preview of our conversation, and become a subscriber if you want to watch or listen to the entire interview!
For full video, see below.
For full audio, listen here!
This was SUCH a great interview. I get asked about query letters on occasion and I've never once recommended to aim for short but now I will!!!
This was so great! I always tell people to write shorter pitches whether it be to agents, publications, or anything else. I'm so glad to hear Miriam say this is what she wants.