Okay! I have another New York Times interview—with Patric Gagne—”What It’s Like to Be a Sociopath,” that I just read and found riveting and need to add to my list of what I’m reading right now (and what I need to read next). And what I’d recommend. If you’re bored.
Gagne—a therapist—describes herself on her website:
When I was in my twenties, I was diagnosed with sociopathic personality disorder. Shortly thereafter, I applied to graduate school where I earned a doctorate in clinical psychology. Today I am working to expand the definition of sociopathy to include its status as a spectrum disorder. Sociopaths are not inherently evil people. We suffer from what I believe to be an emotional learning disorder, one which is both relatable and treatable.
And Gagne has written a memoir too, called, well, SOCIOPATH. (Hence the NYTimes interview.) I am ordering it—I found what she said fascinating and I want to read more. Simon & Schuster describes the book as:
A fascinating, revelatory memoir revealing the author’s struggle to come to terms with her own sociopathy and shed light on the often maligned and misunderstood mental disorder.
Check it out!